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Precautions in Printing

發布者:Shanghua color printing
發布者:Shanghua color printing


Business card: generally 1mm, maximum 2mm, relatively small

Voucher: 1-2mm

Adhesive: 1-2mm

DM sheet (leaflet)/menu: bleeding 3mm, relatively large

Cutting deviation

safe distance

Business card: 6mm from the edge

You Hui coupon, leaflet DM: 6mm from the edge

Adhesive sticker: 3mm away from the edge (ask the order receiving teacher to determine the number when receiving the order)

Color mode

CMYK (cyan [sky blue], magenta [magenta], yellow, black), special color for printing

RGB is 3-color and CMYK is 4-color. At present, professional printing machines are widely used for 4-color printing. Therefore, CMYK is more suitable for printing when drawing. RGB printing is easy to make pictures go yellow and red.

Online works such as detail pages of main drawings that do not need to be printed

Unit: Pixel Text Unit: Pixel Resolution: 72 Color Mode: RGB

Offline works such as posters, picture books and business cards to be printed

Unit: cm, mm Text unit: point resolution: above 300 Color mode: CMYK

Adjustment of monochrome black (monochrome black also needs to be adjusted for QR code)

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100 (the sum of four values should not exceed 255)

Large area black: C: 30 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100 (the sum of four values shall not exceed 255)

